
BaseX ve(3,3) vs traditional Solidly ve(3,3) vs traditional liquidity mining

BaseX adopts the ve(3,3) mechanism inspired by Solidly, combining two essential DeFi concepts: Vote-Escrow, derived from Curve, which encourages long-term token holding, and Staking/Rebasing/Bonding, the (3,3) game theory, introduced by Olympus DAO. This is a better approach than traditional liquidity mining protocols.

The native ve(3,3) rebase tokens are often used as a reward system for actions that contribute to the platform's success, such as providing liquidity and holding tokens long-term in the locked bonding pool. Liquidity providers receive BXT(BaseX Token) emissions, while veBXT holders enjoy protocol fees, bribes, and rebases. However, many Solidly forks faced a serious problem of not retaining value for native token bonders. Therefore, on BaseX, we will separate governance power and protocol-owned treasury into another token, BDT(BaseX Dao Token), which can be acquired by staking BXT. This innovative approach ensures a thriving and inclusive ecosystem for all participants

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